Viktor Mejzlík (EN)

Viktor Mejzlik is an art historian focusing on digital media and new technologies, currently working for the world-leading art fair Art Basel as an assistant in the Unlimited section of the 2022 show in Switzerland. In 2021 he joined the Viennese office of global auction house Sotheby’s as an intern. In 2019 he co-organised an auction of contemporary art as a project manager under the Viennese foundation Wiener Achse. Among the renowned works included in the sale were works of exceptional quality by Andrey Bartenev, Brigitte Kowanz, Hermann Nitsch or Robert Wilson. Viktor is currently pursuing a degree in Art History at Masaryk University in Brno. As an exchange student at Leipzig University in Germany, he explored the potential use-cases of NFTs in art, art market and culture. Before devoting his studies to theoretical matters, Viktor studied Motion design.

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